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Mick Giles
Woodturning Courses
Woodturning and workshop courses

Caitlen's workshop time
Caitlan is doing an Art and Design course at Southampton uni, mum was looking for timber for Caitlan to practice timber joints, long story short Caintlan has been to my workshop for a number of days now and has produced some amazing works of art, I dont/wont make things for my students, I guide and show how to do things, how to sharpen tools, how to respect tools and machinery, but the students has to do the work

Amazingly well machined joint, no glue or fixings required, just a good fitting joint, striking use of colour and very well presented, very good use of shadow, this shows how a bare timber joint can progress into a work of art, its all about evolving and seeing the potential

Timber Nut, Bolt and Spanner to follow
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